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  • These spreadsheets provide the sequences counts for the DNA groups found in the scats of Shy Albatross at Albatross Island, Tasmania, Australia. Samples were collected during three stages of the breeding season: Incubation (Late September 2014), Brood (December 2014) and Chick-rearing (March 2014 and 2015). Scat samples were collected from breeding birds, chicks and non-breeders. 'Breeders' were identified as individuals incubating an egg or attending a chick, whereas 'non-breeders' were usually pairs that had reoccupied the colony and were building new practice nests with no chick present. Non-breeders in the colony include immature birds that have not yet bred and mature birds of breeding age that did not breed in a particular season (e.g. no partner or insufficient body condition) Details of the molecular methods and synthesis of this data can be found in: McInnes, J.C., Alderman, R., Deagle, B.E. Lea, M-A., Raymond, B. and Jarman, S.N. 2016. Optimised scat collection protocols for dietary DNA metabarcoding in vertebrates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

  • This data set includes unprocessed sample .fastq files from two separate Illumina NextSeq runs, labelled as 'Run_1' and 'Run_2', respectively. Sample names: e.g. STS15059, 'STS' is the abbreviation of Short-tailed shearwater. The first two digits of the numeric refer to the year of collection e.g. '15' = 2015. Finally, the following number refers to the sequential unique ID for that year, e.g. '059' is the fifty-ninth sample for the years' collection. Leg bands are also recorded and are generally a 5-digit number and are unique to the individual bird. Longitudinal samples can be identified using these band IDs. E.g. in Run_2, an individual with the band number: 52196, was collected in 2015 as 'STS15065' and again in 2017 as 'STS17044'. Run_1: N = 35 individual samples are split across 4 lanes e.g. 'STS16020_S35_L001(/L002/L003/L004)_R1_001/fastq' and need to be merged before conversion to .fasta format and downstream analysis. Run_2: N = 36 individual samples were provided as a single merged file from the service provider, e.g. 'STS15059_S34_R1_001.fastq'. Sample_info: This excel spreadsheet has information on samples as follows: 'Band': 5-digit number on leg band. 'Sample': Sample number within run. 'UID': The unique ID for collection year e.g. STS15007. 'Age': The known-age of the animal rounded to whole year. 'Index (NebNext)': The NEB index used for NGS sample identification. 'Note': Additional information on if a sample was a between or within run replicate or longitudinal replicate. Analysis of these data will be published in: [tba: R. De Paoli-Iseppi et al. 2018. Molecular Ecology Resources].

  • This data set describes the concentrations of copper, lead and iron in the calcareous tests of heart urchins that were exposed to spiked sediments for 60 days. Porewater is the water extracted from between sand grains. Filtered porewater has been filtered. DGT stands for Diffuse Gel Transfer. The HCl extraction listed in one of the excel spreadsheets is an extraction from the actual sediment. The fields in this dataset are: Isotope Concentration Porewater Filtered Porewater DGT Porewater

  • This data set describes the toxicity of marine sediment spiked with undispersed diesel and diesel dispersed with Dasic Slickgone. The temperate heart urchin species Echinocardium cordatum was exposed for 10 days to each contaminant with daily observations of the degree of burial of the animals. The data for this project was collected as part of the umbrella project ASAC_2201. The fields for this dataset are: Date Time Urchin Buried Alive Salinity Dissolved Oxygen pH Temperature

  • This data set describes the toxicity of marine sediment spiked with contaminated soil from Thala Valley tip site at Casey. The temperate heart urchin species Echinocardium cordatum was exposed for up to 10 days with daily observations of the degree of burial of the animals. The data for this project was collected as part of the umbrella project ASAC_2201. The fields for this dataset are: Date Time Urchin Buried Alive Salinity Dissolved Oxygen pH Temperature